Ace your next exam with courses from the Continuing Ed division at LSUS.

The CISSP® Exam Prep Course prepares test-takers for the Certified Information Systems Security Professional exam, as administered by the International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2. The CISSP® certification is recognized worldwide and adheres to the strict standards of ISO/IEC 17024.

The North American Small Business International Trade Educators (NASBITE) Certified Global Business Professional program certifies that a candidate is competent in four primary areas or domains: Global Business Management, Global Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and Trade Finance. Within each of these four areas, five "threads" or topics are covered: Documentation; Legal and Regulatory Compliance; Intercultural Awareness; Technology; and Resources. Tasks and knowledge statements based on these areas and threads tested through the CGBP exam. 

This self-paced exam prep course within this bundle prepares learners for the successful completion of the MindEdge Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Exam by explaining the concepts, strategies, tools, and techniques they will need to complete process improvement projects and activities. 

This completely online and self-paced program provides comprehensive preparation for the Online Marketing Certified Associate (OMCA) certification exam. It includes a voucher for the OMCA online exam (retail value 225) and a code for two practice exams.

This course provides a comprehensive preparation for the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® certification exam including exam-taking tips, 25 comprehensive module quizzes, and two full-length, 150-question practice exams covering the areas of interest from A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK® Guide), which will provide a report to help you determine your areas of weakness.

This completely online and self-paced, five-module Human Resources management course provides comprehensive preparation for the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR®) certification exam. The course includes exam-taking tips, a detailed diagnostic test, practice questions at the end of each module, and a full-length, 175-question practice exam. A total of 350 practice questions address the five knowledge areas covered in the SPHR® exam.

his PMP course will provide you with a deeper understanding of project management concepts and applications in the workplace. At the end of this course, you will be prepared to take the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification exam.

Prepare for the GED® test and master the skills required to pass the Mathematical Reasoning module. You will start off with a reviewing the four modules and then dive into math basics to build the foundation you need to solve math problems. In the process, you will develop hands-on experience with percentages, proportions, statistics, algebra, geometry, and more.

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