About LaPREP

LaPREP is a two-summer enrichment program which identifies, encourages, and instructs competent middle and early high school students, preparing them to complete a college degree program in math, science, or engineering. With emphasis on abstract reasoning, problem solving, and technical writing skills, participants attend seven weeks of intellectually demanding classes and seminars, interspersed with field trips and recreation. Class assignments, laboratory projects, and scheduled exams are integral parts of LaPREP.

The topics studied over two summer sessions include:

  • Logic
  • Algebraic Structures
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Cyber Security
  • Intro to Immunology
  • Problem Solving
  • Technical Writing
  • Engineering
  • Life Skills and Leadership Counseling

Students successfully completing two years of LaPREP are eligible to apply for LaPREP scholarships to attend LSUS as entering college freshmen. 

Other features of LaPREP include:

  • Field trips to local industries
  • Visiting lecturers and minority speakers
  • College and career awareness
  • Basketball, pool, and other recreation

LaPREP graduates are eligible to participate in LaPIXEL, a four-week summer program held on the campus of LSU Shreveport. LaPIXEL is a collaborative undertaking with the LSUS Digital Arts program. In LaPIXEL, students are taught the use of software to create visual effects that are used in lucrative fields such as advertising, cyber security programs, bio-imagery, and computer gaming. Participants use their newly acquired skills to create a playable video game from start to finish which is demonstrated in an end-of-program presentation for family and friends in the Noel Library at LSUS. For more information and application materials, contact LaPIXEL Director Allen Garcie at allen.garcie@lsus.edu.

LaPREP also developed GetSet for LaPREP, a two-year enrichment program designed for students completing the 4th grade. Students spend four weeks each summer focusing on math/problem solving skills and reading/writing skills. For application materials, contact the LaPREP office at laprep@lsus.edu.

LaPREP has established a link with the LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport which allows LaPREP graduates to enter JUMPSTART, one of a series of medical research programs in the LSUHSC pipeline of programs that support and encourage students to pursue medical careers. For more information and application materials, contact the LSU Health Shreveport Office of Diversity Affairs at (318)675-5049.

Cost and Schedule

LaPREP is provided without cost to the participants and their families, some of whom might otherwise be prevented from attending due to the expense. LaPREP also provides the following:

  • Free transportation to and from LSUS via SporTran bus passes
  • Free lunches in the University Center
  • Books and other materials needed for classes
  • Cost-free field trips

LaPREP 2025 Schedule:

  • May 27 - July 10
  • Monday - Friday
  • 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  • Classes will be cancelled on July 3 and 4.
Eligibility Requirements

First Year Applicants
First year LaPREP applicants must have just completed the 6th or 7th grade, have an 80% or above grade point average, and have high LEAP or iLEAP scores. Applicants must submit an application packet that includes all of the following items:

  • Student Application Form
  • A 75-125 word essay explaining why you desire to participate in LaPREP
  • Teacher Nomination Form (to be filled out and signed by your math teacher and mailed/emailed separately)
  • Copy of your report card from the first and second nine weeks
  • Copy of your most recent LEAP or iLEAP scores

*Completed application packets are due March 7, 2025.


Second Year Applicants

First year students who successfully completed LaPREP 2024 will be eligible to return for a second summer session in 2025. Second year participants must submit a commitment packet that includes all of the following items:

*Completed commitment packets are due March 7, 2025.


irina ilioaea lsus

Irina Ilioaea earned her PhD in Mathematics from Georgia State University in 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Florian Enescu. During her doctorate program, she pursued research in theoretical commutative algebra and computational algebra with applications to electrical engineering and computer science. She received the “Mathematics Achievement Award” in 2019 and the “Fred Massey Endowed Award” in 2018 from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Georgia State University for her research publications and teaching activity. Irina obtained her master’s degree in Algebra and her bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from University of Bucharest in Romania.

Other faculty members include college professors and local high school teachers.

Participant Requirements

Each student must:

  • Maintain a 70+ average in LaPREP course work
  • Abide by the rules set by LSUS and the program director
  • Attend all classes (absences due to vacations, camps, and other events will not be allowed)

Absences, misconduct, or grade average below 70% may be grounds for dismissal from the program.

Those who take LaPREP seriously are easily able to meet these standards. LaPREP spends over $1,600 per student per summer to conduct the program, yet participants and their families pay no tuition or fees of any kind. Please submit your application only if you are serious in your intentions to participate fully.



Our sponsors play a significant role in the success of our work. Thank you to those who help make a difference in our community through LaPREP.

And a special thanks to former Senator Sherri Buffington whose help enabled us to expand LaPREP.