The Planning Council is the strategic planning and budget committee for the University. It serves as the Administrative Council in accordance with Chapter I, Section 1-3 of the Regulations of the LSU Board of Supervisors.

2024 Meeting Dates

Meeting Minutes



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About LPC

The below information can also be found in the LSUS Policy Statement 01.23.00.

The Planning Council serves as the university budget review and planning committee. Its primary responsibilities are:

  1. To establish the strategic priorities and goals of the University, including keeping a current strategic plan for the University.
  2. To recommend strategies to build a more diverse, inclusive and welcoming University.
  3. To encourage, solicit and promote innovative ideas to improve operations, planning, practices and technology to help the University to better support faculty, staff, and students and serve the needs of the region.
  4. To integrate academic planning with budget, enrollment, facilities and services planning.
  5. To make recommendations on securing and allocating resources to achieve the strategic priorities of the University.
  6. To make recommendations on how the University can more strategically inform and build stronger relations, collaboration and support with external stakeholders.


The Planning Council consists of the following Voting Members: 

The Chancellor and/or Council may request other persons to provide resource assistance to the Council and/or to serve on Planning Council committees.


  1. The Planning Council serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor for University matters under the purview of the Chancellor.
  2. The agenda for Planning Council meetings shall be posted in advance on the Planning Council web page. Minutes will be taken by the Assistant to the Chancellor (or assign). They will be posted upon approval.
  3. Visitors are welcomed at Planning Council meetings. Visitors may be permitted to speak. If so, it may be at a designated time and with limitation of time.
  4. The Planning Council complements the present roles and responsibilities of existing LSUS committees.
  5. The LSUS Faculty Council, as permitted by the LSU System and the University, will continue to be the ultimate voice of the faculty of the University. The Faculty Senate will continue to have primary jurisdiction over traditional faculty matters, including:
    1. New LSUS degree program.
    2. Degree learning goals.
    3. LSUS degree or curriculum changes.
    4. LSUS degree admission requirements.
    5. LSUS faculty RTP policies.
    6. LSUS faculty workload policies.
  6. The Council shall serve as the LSUS Innovation Committee. Written proposals, suggestions and/or ideas associated with innovation for the University may be directly submitted to the Council through the Office of the Chancellor.
    1. The Office of the Chancellor shall keep a log of submitted matters. It shall be made available each meeting to Council members.
    2. Either or both the Chancellor and the Council may choose to address a submitted matter.
    3. The creator(s) of a matter may be invited to address the Council.


  1. Primary responsibility for strategic planning for the University, to include the:
    1. LSUS vision and mission statements.
    2. LSUS strategic plan, consistent with LSUS vision, mission and budget.
    3. LSUS annual goals and objectives, consistent with the LSUS strategic plan and budget.
    4. LSU annual and three-year budget priorities.
  2. Oversight of LSUS compliance with SACSCOC accreditation standards and requirements.
  3. Oversight of cultural diversity and inclusion matters for the University.
  4. Provide recommendation(s) and/or input for other matters of significant importance to the University, including:
    1. Matters associated with the University campus environment and workplace, including the hiring, development and retention of faculty and staff.
    2. Academic program implementation.
    3. Enrollment management strategies and policies, especially recruitment and retention of students.
    4. Student success strategies and policies.
    5. University relations and collaboration.
    6. Other matters associated with strategic planning or policy issues, including alumni affairs, advancement and outreach.
  5. Special State Initiatives, example the Louisiana Granting Resources and Autonomy for Diplomas (LA GRAD Act)