Education and Human Development
Start Year at LSUS
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BE 358
Curriculum Vitae


Dr. Pasold is a licensed clinical psychologist and an Associate Professor in Psychology at LSUS.  She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology form the University of Toledo. Her predoctoral internship and postdoctoral residency were completed at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences and Arkansas Children's Hospital.  She specializes in children, adolescents and young adults as well as parenting and family intervention.  She also has a specialty niche in assessment and treatment of eating disorders.  Dr. Pasold spent several years in clinical practice prior to transitioning into academia.  In addition to teaching, she maintains a productive research lab and engages in research examining risk and protective factors associated with psychological functioning and well-being. Dr. Pasold is involved in dissemination of information via providing workshops/seminars and presentation of research at state, national and international conferences and has published in peer-reviewed journals.


Research Interests

Dr. Pasold's research focuses on developmental psychopathology.  Major constructs of interest that she has researched include eating attitudes and behaviors, identity development, gender-role orientation, attachment, temperament, emotional intelligence, adverse childhood experiences, and parenting.  Dr. Pasold is a strong proponent of prevention and early intervention and engages in research that can be applied in clinical practice.  She also values engaging students in research endeavors as part of fostering knowledge and skills in this area.

Selected Publications

Pasold, T.L., Woods, J.L., Portilla, M. G., Nesmith, J. D., & Boateng, B. A. (2020).  An Examination of Eating Disorder Education and Experience in a One-month Adolescent Medicine Rotation: What is Sufficient to Foster Adequate Self-Efficacy? International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 32(5), 20170212.  Available online at:

Woods, J. L., Pasold, T. L., Boateng, B. A., & Hensel, D. J. (2014). Medical Student self-efficacy, knowledge and communication in adolescent medicine.  International Journal of Medical Education, 5, 165-172.  

Pasold, T., McCracken, A., & Ward-Begnoche, W. (2014). Binge Eating in Obese Adolescents: Emotional and Behavioral Characteristics and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life.  Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 19(2), 297-310.

Woods, J. L., Pasold, T. L., Boateng, B. A., & Hensel, D. J. (2013).  Adolescent Health Care and the Trainee: Roles of Self-Efficacy, Standardized Patients, and an Adolescent Medicine Rotation.  Simulation in Health Care, 8(6), 359-367.  

Pasold, T. (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018).  Adolescent Suicide Screening.  
Peer reviewed clinical guideline published online at  Online publications of clinical guidelines of pediatric and neonatal topics available at: or  This resource is updated annually by Dr. Pasold with each annual update being peer-reviewed.  Topics are presented by teleconference, peer reviewed, and modified with input from physicians participating in the weekly teleconference. Guidelines are updated annually and maintained online.
Woods, J. L., Pasold, T. L., Boateng, B. A. (2012).  Adolescent Medicine and the
Trainee: Evaluating Self-Efficacy, Knowledge and Communication through the Utilization of Standardized Patient Simulations.  MedEdPORTAL.  Available at:  

Pasold, T. & Portilla, M. (2012).  Eating Disorders in Arkansas: Trends Observed over Fourteen Years.  The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, 108(12), 274-276.

Pasold, T. & Portilla, M. (2011).  Eating Disorders in a Rural State: Two Adolescent Cases: A Hispanic Male and a Korean Female. The Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society, 108(2), 42-45.

Pasold, T., Boateng, B., Portilla, M. (2010).  The Use of a Parent Support Group in the Outpatient Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Eating Disorders.  Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 18(4), 318-332.
Funk, J., Pasold, T., & Baumgardner, J. (2006).  How children experience playing video games.  In D. Marinelli, (Ed.), ICEC Conference Proceedings 2003:  Essays on the Future of Interactive Entertainment (pp. 121-130).   Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Mellon University Press.
Funk, J. B., Baldacci, H. B., Pasold, T., & Baumgardner, J. (2004).  Violence exposure in real-life, video games, television, movies, and the internet: Is there Desensitization? Journal of Adolescence, 27, 23-39.

Funk, J. B., Elliott, R., Bechtoldt, H., Pasold, T., & Tsavoussis, A. (2003).  The Attitudes Towards Violence Scale: Child Version. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18(2), 186-196.

Block, R., Devitt, C., Fugate, M., Martin, C. & Pasold, T. (2000).  The Chicago Women’s Health Risk Study: A Report to the National Institute of Justice, 364pp.  Chicago, IL: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (also published by the National Institute of Justice).

Teaching Assignments

Dr. Pasold teaches at the undergraduate and graduate level.  Courses she has taught include:
Abnormal Psychology
Health Psychology
Behavioral Medicine
Intro to Clinical Psychology
Child and Adolescent Development
Advanced Psychopathology
Marriage and Family Therapy
Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Brief Interventions in the School Setting
Lifespan Development
Eating Disorders